Rather than continuing to purchase your insurance from a third-party company, with Caring Communities, you can obtain your insurance from a company your organization owns along with industry peers. Members are financially rewarded for outstanding performance of low claims – resulting in profits that are returned in cash and equity. We have paid over $70M in cash dividends to Members.
Ownership makes sense.
Although Membership to Caring Communities is more than insurance, we provide the senior living industry insurance to run your business smoothly when you need it – especially during the most challenging market conditions.
- Comprehensive Coverage – Designed specifically to meet the needs of the senior living industry
- Consistent Pricing – No large rate swings
- Long-Term Commitment – One large loss will not cause your rates to jump
- Partnering Power – Allows for improved excess reinsurance coverage and rates
We provide our Members with an entire ecosystem of resources and tools to support YOUR mission to provide a safer environment for your residents.
- Customized Risk Management Plans
- Collaborative Claims Handling
- Financial Returns and Ownership
- Staff Education
- Best Practice Sharing
- High-Risk Assessment Tools
- Networking with Industry Thought Leaders